Preserving Historical Monuments through Scan To Model. Rehabilitation of a Historic Monument in Arad, Romania

Preserving Historical Monuments through Scan To Model. Rehabilitation of a Historic Monument in Arad, Romania

In a world where technology is advancing at a rapid pace, it’s not uncommon to find traditional practices making way for newer, more sophisticated techniques. However, in the realm of historical monument preservation, one practice still proves to be an indispensable tool in capturing the essence of the past – 2D drawings. In this article, we delve into the power of 2D drawings in the context of a project that involved the rehabilitation of a historic monument in Arad, Romania. We explore how these drawings, derived from the accurate scanning of the monument using 2 Faro Laser Scanners, played a pivotal role in preserving and restoring the architectural heritage.



Considering the impressive 5,600 square meters façade (interior & exterior) of the monument, it was clear that meticulous attention to detail was required. The project called for capturing accurate data of the monument, which could then be used for its preservation and future restoration efforts.

The Role of 2D Drawings in Preservation

While modern 3D scanning technologies have gained popularity in various industries, the value of 2D drawings in preserving historical monuments cannot be overstated. The 2 Faro Laser Scanners used in this project allowed for precise data capture with a remarkable +/-5mm precision. The repetitive positioning and comprehensive coverage of the entire site ensured that no intricate detail was overlooked.

Capturing the Essence of the Past

Historical monuments possess unique architectural intricacies that contribute to their grandeur and historical significance. By representing the façade in CAD format, it becomes easier to understand the architectural elements and recreate them faithfully during the rehabilitation process.

The detailed and accurate 2D drawings derived from the Faro Laser Scanners became the foundation for the monument’s restoration efforts. As the rehabilitation works for historical buildings are of paramount importance, quality drawings are fundamental. The 2D drawings provide restorers, architects, and engineers with a precise blueprint of the monument, helping them make informed decisions during the restoration process. Moreover, the 2D drawings serve as an invaluable form of documentation, creating a record of the monument’s original state. This documentation is essential for future conservation efforts, as it allows future generations to understand the monument’s history and heritage accurately.


The combination of accurate data capture through Faro Laser Scanners and the subsequent creation of detailed 2D drawings in CAD format ensures that historical monuments stand the test of time, perpetuating their legacy for generations to come.#ScanToBIM #3DLaserScanning #2DDrawings #AutoCAD #HistoricPreservation



  • On July 31, 2023